Dalton State Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda and Minutes: 2013 February 13
Faculty Senate, Dalton State
Issue Date
Meetings and Proceedings
child care , NAIA , Readmission process
Alternative Title
Unfinished business included a review of the academic calendar, concerns about the final exam schedule, collection of the minutes of faculty committees' meetings, and an update on the new course evaluation process. New business: a motion to print only the agenda for Faculty Senate meetings; a report on child care on campus; bylaw change affecting the schedule and meetings of the FDW subcommittee Teaching, Scholarship, and Service Awards; Dr Stone announced the Board of Regents would be conducting a routine audit, the BOR Academic Affairs Committee is working on a new policy for intercollegiate athletics, the NAIA visiting team visited campus and would report back regarding approval, and Dr Stone reported back from the Academic Affairs Committee that they were looking for programs of low productivity for possible elimination and for state colleges to focus on teaching and service; April Kaye volunteered to coordinate an ad hoc committee for the Honors Convocation and and to coordinate a week in April for each department/school to showcase student scholarship; an update to the Strategic Plan was distributed; Academic Conduct Committee minutes were distributed; Faculty Welfare Subcommittee minutes were distributed; Academic Programs Committee minutes were distributed; Matt Hipps made motions recommending a standardized re-admission process and an ad hoc committee undertake the process. Volunteers for the ad hoc committee are: Matt Hipps, Cathy Hunsicker, Jonathon Lampley, Sarah Mergel, and Richard Collison.